Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?

Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?


Did you suspect that dandruff is the main culprit behind your increasing hair loss problem? Dandruff and hair loss are fairly common hair woes. We understand that dealing with dandruff along with hair loss can turn into a nightmare. The persistent flakes resting on your shoulders along with uncontrollable hair fall not only impact your appearance and hair health but further impetuses uncertainty and low self-esteem. A study conducted by the Indian Journal of Dermatology in 2010 has found that dandruff affects up to 50 per cent of the population. Moreover, another study conducted in 2016 explains that improving your hair care routines and habits while taking some extra precautions helps in inhibiting these hair ailments. 


Contrary to popular perception, dandruff does not directly influence hair loss. However, the underlying causes of dandruff may lead to its development. In a nutshell, dandruff is a scalp condition in which white flakes and itching are generally detectable. According to a study presented in the National Library of Medicine, imbalanced scalp condition, scalp fungus, improper hair care routine, weak hair follicles etc. are some of the major culprits behind the increase in hair loss and dandruff. 


  • Cover your manes
  • Use clean hair care tools
  • Inspect hair care ingredients
  • Include hot oil treatments
  • Lower your stress levels

 Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?

1. Cover your manes

Exposing your manes to harmful UV rays, environmental pollution etc. for prolonged hours can influence the development of various scalp and hair concerns. According to a study conducted in 2017, UV rays, pollution etc. damages your hair cuticles (outer cover of your hair strands). This ultimately makes your hair prone to breakage, split ends, dry scalp, sun damage, dandruff and much more. Covering your tresses with the help of a scarf or bandana before stepping outside will help you prevent unnecessary scalp problems while offering you a refreshing look. Apart from that, carrying an umbrella is yet another effective option to consider.

2. Use clean hair care tools

Keeping your hair care tools clean plays a huge role in your scalp and hair health. Long story short, your hair care tools tend to get packed with product residue, dead skin cells and whatnot. This eventually leads to the development of numerous hair problems like dandruff, oily scalp, white flakes, hair fall etc. As a consequence, we would recommend you clean your brushes, combs, scrunchies etc. at least twice a month. Doing so will ensure your hair safety while helping you achieve healthy and long manes

3. Inspect hair care ingredients

Top trichologists recommend inspecting and scrutinizing the ingredients present in hair care products before investing in them. According to the experts, certain hair care products contain harsh chemical ingredients such as parabens, sulphate, silicones and much more which is known to disrupt your scalp and hair health. Avoiding such ingredients will help you in attaining your hair goals while preventing numerous hair woes like dandruff, hair loss, baldness etc. 

4. Include hot oil treatments

Lack of nourishment and moisture in your scalp starts to sensitize your hair follicles while making them vulnerable, which eventually results in excessive hair loss. Moreover, a dry and undernourished scalp is also known as one of the dominant factors behind dandruff. Which is why it is essential to include hot oil treatments in your weekly hair care routine. Engaging in a hot oil treatment will provide optimum nourishment and hydration to your tresses while strengthening them in the process. Furthermore, a study published in 2015 unfolds that various other benefits of incorporating scalp exercises and hot oil treatments in your weekly regimen. In concordance with the research study, engaging in such healthy hair care practices shield your manes from any friction or damage. Consider using coconut oil or tea tree oil as they have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which help in reducing any itchiness or white flakes. 

5. Lower your stress levels

While the increase in stress levels do not have the ability to directly provoke and cause dandruff but it can certainly make your immune system weak. This eventually results in making your scalp sensitive while causing Malassezia fungus. Along with preventing many scalp and hair problems such as dandruff, hair fall etc., staying stress-free will also benefit your mental and emotional health. 

 Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?


Dandruff along with hair loss is undoubtedly difficult to deal with. It is crucial to acknowledge that neglecting your scalp and hair concerns will only lead to more damage and distress. Whereas, religiously following these tips and techniques will improve your hair health. Furthermore, improving your daily habits and lifestyle will benefit you additionally in your journey to obtain your hair goals. 


If you are in habit of using just any shampoo without giving a second thought to it or neglecting your hair care routine, then it is high time you reconsider your habits. Investing in hair products that target and treat your hair concerns will most certainly improve your hair health. Many trichologists emphasize the importance of using anti-dandruff shampoo for people dealing with dandruff and white flakes. The specialists further elaborate that Seaweed, Ivy, Lemon, Sage etc. are some of the natural extracts to look for in an anti-dandruff shampoo. These key extracts lend a soothing effect on your scalp while relieving your scalp from any itchiness. 

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